Home Games How to Hack the Google Dinosaur Game in 2023?

How to Hack the Google Dinosaur Game in 2023?

by Benjamin
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How to Hack the Google Dinosaur Game in 2023-Gamesbing

Whenever the internet stumbles or its cables are damaged and our browser stops loading a page, then a dinosaur comes to the screen. It’s better to play the free dinosaur game on the web, rather than idly waiting for internet signals to get better. Hence, many people with connectivity issues play this game. 

Some people disable their internet just to play this game offline. Those gamers try their best to get high scores or to reach the end of the game by scoring 9999 points. There could be some people who are unable to get to that point. However, there’s nothing to get anxious about as there are some hacks and cheat codes available to get to that point. 

If one is looking for something that could make this challenging dinosaur game having distinct parameters easier, then read the article to know what more secrets this game holds for the users. 

What’s Google’s Dinosaur Game?

If you’re not familiar with this amusing Google Dinosaur and heard someone say that it’s an exciting game. Now, you’re here looking for what’s it about. Open the Chrome and turn your internet off. After that, open a website or page of your choice. 


However, it’ll not load and a dinosaur will appear on the screen symbolizing the point of the internet. Click on it and the dinosaur will start moving and this game will begin. One neither needs to go to a gaming website to play nor, install an app for it. 

How to Play Dinosaur Game?

The Google Dinosaur isn’t very hard to play. It’s similar to other running obstacle games like Temple Run and Subway Surfers. If you have a mouse and you are playing it on one PC, you can just right-click on the mouse to make the dinosaur jump. 

Moreover, timing should be adequate while jumping to avoid losing the game. On laptops, one can just press the sensor or space bar to let the dinosaur jump. However, on both tablets and smartphones, one needs to press the screen gently to make the dinosaur jump. 

On a smartphone, it’s better to play the game horizontally due to the vast space. This also makes it easier to see which obstacle is coming next and when one should jump. Apart from that, one needs to avoid three things and crows. Hitting them could make the user lose the game. 

After achieving a certain level of score, the game changes its levels. In the beginning, the game is in easy mode. After achieving certain scores, the speed of the game increases. Similarly, the color of the screen changes when the difficult level starts. 

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When do Different Levels Appear in Google Dinosaur?

In Google Dinosaur, various levels of the game depend on the scores of the player. One can open the game manually by switching off the internet it searching chrome:dino in the search bar. 

Here’s what one needs about the levels of this lively game;

  • After reaching 500 scores, one needs to avoid pterodactyls by pressing the downward arrow while looking out for the trees (jumping by pressing the spacebar or upward arrow key)
  • The Dinosaur switches to black graphics on 700 points and the transitions of the obstacles accelerate faster. 
  • On 900 points, the dark screen switches back to the light one. The screen changes at 1400 points once again and this happens after every 700 points a user scores. 
  • One can pause the game by pressing the Alt key or by tapping the screen on your device. 
  • For full-screen mode press F11. 

How to Hack Chrome Dinosaur Game?

Are you one of those who doesn’t like the transitions of speed and screen mode in the game? These things could be solved by some hacks. One can also move the T-Rex bow down lower or jump higher by applying a few hacks. 

Follow the following steps to hack the Chrome’s T-Rex;

Step 1

  • Load the Dinosaur game on the browser
  • Right-click the web page, a small bar will open press inspect to open the “Developer tools” panel or, one can open this panel by pressing Ctrl, shift, and I. One can also open it by clicking the Chrome menu and pressing more tools and then developer tools. 

Step 2

  • At the top of the screen, there will be a console written on it. Press the bar to open the console panel to hack the game. 
  • Runner.instance_.tRex.setJumpVelocity(15), type this code or paste it on the runner instance panel, and click the enter key. 
  • By increasing the 15 number in the code, one can decrease or increase the height for each jump. 

Step 3

  • To change the set speed of the game, paste or type this code “Runner.instance_.setSpeed(1000)” on the screen. 
  • By changing the value of 1000, one can change the speed of the game moving forward. 

Step 4

  • Close the developer’s tool panel to check the effectiveness of the hacks. One can play the game and observe the jumps and speed of the T-Rex moving forward on the screen. 
  • On the bottom of the screen, there will be an option for slowing down the speed of T-Rex moving forward. One can click on it to enable this feature. 

How to Hack the Secret Chrome Dinosaur Game?

The secret game is different from the real one. In this mode, the T Rex becomes invincible and doesn’t die by hitting the obstacles. One needs to do the following steps to enjoy the secret mode;

  • Open the developer tool by the methods mentioned above.
  • Open the console panel and enter the code on the screen, var original = Runner.prototype.gameOver.
  • After that, enter the code Runner.prototype.gameOver = function (){}. This code will remove game over feature and it will move forward according to the player’s choice. T Rex becomes invincible and doesn’t die in this secret mode. 
  • Close the developer to test the effectiveness of this secret mode and reach a higher level of scores easily. 

If you get bored of this mode due to a lack of competitiveness or thrill, you can move back to the original version of the dinosaur game by entering the code in the console panel, Runner.prototype.gameOver = original. 

Don’t forget to share your experiences of Google Dinosaur game hacks with us in the comments. For more information, you may contact us at Gmail

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